Saturday, March 19, 2022

Situational Awareness is a NECESSITY! It's hard but you MUST MASTER THE SKILL!

We talk and talk and talk about situational awareness but how situationally aware are you really? How much do you apply it to your life when you’re outside, at work, in your car, out with the family, alone, in populated areas, in small isolated areas?.. - This isn’t something that’s good for your health or happiness or will make you money or help you look fit. This is something that will potentially save your life… - What does it take to be situationally aware? First, you need to just pay more attention to your immediate and intermediate surroundings. Get out of your phone more. Keep your head up more. Pay attention to threat indicators more. What’s a threat indicator, you ask? Anything that looks or sounds to be abnormal to the environment that you’re in… - Be an asset, not a liability… - @2alpha_traininggroup…

I like to think that when I'm in public I'm living in "yellow".  But its hard.  I find that I plan trips when I know that the number of people will be low.

It kinda fits my lifestyle.  Sleep, work, workout, train, blog, rinse and repeat.

It's weird but I kinda like it.

For those of you that lead more "normal" lives, those that like to be in crowds are at higher risk.

Those of you that live in big cities...well God bless ya.  You're in danger every single second you step outside.  Don't know how ya do it but to each their own.

But instead of me preaching to a choir that might not be listening I ask you to do this instead.

Break down your life and do a worst case scenario of your average day.  Include the most dangerous variable you deal with everyday, your fellow man/woman.  Then if it fits your standards rock on.

If not then I beg you to make changes.  Oh and if you carry concealed then understand that in this case it wouldn't help you in the least.  As a matter of fact this dude could have been killed with his own weapon.

A person said it in the comments and its true.

The super predator from the 80's and 90's is making a comeback.

Don't be his prey. 

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