Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Biden Admin just pushed us into a two front war and killed the dollar at the same time...


Just plain wow.

Is anyone in Washington DC thinking or is emoting the new thing that I somehow missed?

The Chinese play a long game.  For the most part (emphasis on most...I'm sure there are issues that they'll act emotionally about) they have a plan and they're trying to execute it.

Meanwhile the Biden Admin spits in the wind and threatens China?

To what end?

They do it publicly and think that they can somehow "shame" the Chinese to bending to the will of the elite in Washington?

Not a freaking chance.

Instead we've just given them an opening.  My guess is that those moves we've heard (and the IMF has warned about) are about to become reality.

Using the Chinese Dollar as an alternate currency to the American Dollar?  You bet your ass.  Developing a system outside the preferred US/Western Europe cabal?  That's coming too.

All of the above was coming anyway so we should have been prepping for it.  But the Biden Admin has reached so far to punish Russia that its sped up the timetable.

Additionally we pushed so hard that we will see even more of a blending of Chinese and Russian tech.

That alone should make you pause.  Consider this.  The US and Europe has essentially kicked the Russians out of our space programs.

Want to bet money that we'll see the Chinese and Russia unite?  The canary in the coal mine that no one wants to consider?  What if Russia is able to drag the Indian govt along, work out a treaty of some type with the Chinese?

We'll stick with space and aviation programs.  The Russians, Chinese and Indians work together on space and aviation?

Suddenly we see a joint base on the moon between those countries, joint work on hypersonics, the brahmos missile on Chinese ships, Russia building up its nuclear arsenal to cold war levels because its worried about NATO, cooperation economically and just like that you have a new power alliance that can rival the US and Europe.

I'm gonna hit you with a stereotype.  Forgive me but sometimes they apply and in this case I think it does in spades.  Don't slap or humiliate a China-man unless you want a fight.

I don't know how to classify this mess but we're acting like we want the smoke.  We're acting like we want the fight NOW, not in the late 2030s or early 2040s.

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