Sunday, March 20, 2022

The refugee crisis is about to hit America.

 I hope everyone is ready for the coming turmoil that is about to hit our shores due to the Ukraine/Russia conflict.

10 million people have become refugees.

Europe won't absorb that many people and you can bet our "allies" will demand we take our fair share.

What does that mean?

I have no idea.  If 10 million refugees are flowing out of Ukraine then you can expect at least a million(?) to be sent this way (doesn't count the Ukrainians that have already shown up on the southern border, but you guys don't want to talk about that).

That alone would be a helluva challenge.

But it opens up the door to other stuff.

Remember the Haitians?  The conditions they live in could be considered inhumane.

Same with the Venezuelans that are trying to get here.  Same with other S. American people.  Same with many from Africa and the Middle East.

So how will the nation deal with a refugee crisis from Europe AND all the current crisis happening all over the world on a daily basis?

How will the leadership state that we're declaring an exception for Ukraine while other groups are undergoing either warfare or near warfare conditions.

The only hope is that we can finally get some sort of immigration bill passed.  That we get some kind of rules of the road and our southern border patched up.

Won't happen but I can hope.

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