Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The show stopper for Force Design 2030 is the LAW. It won't appear till after Berger leaves office.

 via Defense News

The big-ticket items ― ships and missiles ― are critical to the Corps’ future war-fighting vision. All see funding increases, but not exactly at the level or timing that Marine leaders have wanted.

For example, the light amphibious warship, which Marine leaders have been pushing to be procured by 2023, will have to wait until at least 2025, according to the new budget.


Well its a done deal.

Berger will have left the Marine Corps in worse shape than when he found it.

That is leadership failure.

To be blunt he brought this on himself.  He did not sell his plan to the masses that he leads, instead he tried to ram it thru. 

He's failed and now what do we see?  Amphibs are being retired and their replacement isn't here yet.

Capability continues to be lost and the transition is years away. Read this part again.

...the light amphibious warship, which Marine leaders have been pushing to be procured by 2023, will have to wait until at least 2025...

If you assume perfect procurement (which I don't) then you can bet that 2025 is a pipe dream.

With the pressure to get other ships into service (ya know the things that are required to win a war at sea) you can bet that the Navy will be pushing for its new Frigate as fast as possible.

Pretty piss poor planning to develop a plan that has a single point of failure.

Sidenote.  Do you realize that we've now had a string of 3 failed Commandant's in a row?  Amos?  Trash.  Neller?  I don't know what the fuck Neller is known for except for bowing his head when a female congress critter was talking shit to him. Berger?  I can't even call it.  Let's hope the next one is better.  We need a General Gray in the worst way.

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