Wednesday, March 02, 2022

The US/EU/NATO should be negotiating with Russia

This is what irritates me about the elite. The average people of Ukraine are now about to start taking body blows it's been fun and games for a little while but now Russia is going to start to punishing people. We should be negotiating with Russia not just the US but the EU and NATO to help find a solution to this Ukrainian mess. When body bags start filling up and all of this joy for play war turns into cry for help when the death toll starts mounting it's not going to be a meme anymore. I don't know what the Russians battle plan was but it definitely wasn't to go hard, that's changing right before our eyes. If you care about Ukrainian people then you should be pushing for diplomatic talks at the highest level by all parties involved. The elite love the drama the average Ukrainian and American don't we need to find a solution.

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