Friday, March 25, 2022

These Raw Nude Photos Will Remind You Every Body Is Beautiful (follow the link if you dare!...note this is sfw!)

This is just wrong.

It's wrong on several levels.  First have you noticed that its only women that are part of this campaign?  I have yet to see a fat dude called "sexy" or "handsome" as part of it.

So this is the next battleground for women's rights?

Next what does it teach kids.  I'm talking about impressionable elementary aged kids?  I get what they're after.  The same type of change that we've seen on a number of issues where things that were once frowned upon are now accepted, approved and in some cases glorified.

The problem with all this?

It defies basic truth.

Obesity is a serious issue and will/does affect millions in the US. Science is usually the crutch that is used to defend outlandish ideas but there is no science behind this.  Just brute force, in your face, you better accept this.

But its unhealthy.  We've already been thru covid which seemed to show that frailties across society could be used to limit even the healthy.

I contend that in an age where we've seen the return of pandemics that obesity is a national health issue.  When it comes to public service, its a national security issue.

It's quite simple.

America is getting quite comfortable with lying to itself.  We need to fix that quick.  We DESPERATELY need a back to basics movement based in cold reality, not the fantasy of dreamers.

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