Saturday, March 26, 2022

Top Russian military leaders repeatedly decline calls from U.S., prompting fears of ‘sleepwalking into war’

 via Washington Post.

Repeated attempts by the United States’ top defense and military leaders to speak with their Russian counterparts have been rejected by Moscow for the last month, leaving the world’s two largest nuclear powers in the dark about explanations for military movements and raising fears of a major miscalculation or battlefield accident.

Story here 

My two cents.

The Biden Admin along with NATO has put in place sanctions that appear to be designed to destroy Russia.  

NATO has "reinforced" its border nations with thousands of troops (even though we have had no intelligence stating that Russia was planning on making a push into ANY NATO country).

On top of the current sanctions the Biden Admin along with NATO has sought to "double down" on those sanctions even though the risk of world wide recession/depression or worse, deflation is increasing as is the worry of various pop up wars across the planet.

A looming fuel crisis is about to grip the EU and is hammering the American public as we speak.  A food crisis of almost biblically proportions is looming for the people of the Middle East/Africa with outrageous prices for staples coming to the rest of the planet.


The Pentagon expects their counterparts in Russia to pick up the phone and say hello?  To work with them to deconflict?

Is everyone in DC smoking crack?

The risk is high.

We have numerous forces operating CLOSE to the Ukrainian border.

Missiles are flying all over the place.  The risk of an accident happening (a missile going off course and striking NATO troops) is beyond high.  Quite honestly its becoming more probable the longer this goes on.

Yet someone in DC expects for normalcy with regard to high level contacts to continue?  Our SecState is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND, yet the Pentagon expects to somehow play warrior and diplomat in this major league contest of wills?

This seems simple to me.

Biden needs to stop posturing and get on the damn phone and get involved instead of the name calling.  He's soft as cotton but trying to be tough while people die.

Physical courage (for real men) is easy.  Moral courage isn't.  

Biden is lacking in both regards.

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