Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Ukraine should look hard at the Russian deal...add a minor twist and end this war!

 via Reuters

Russia has told Ukraine it is ready to halt military operations "in a moment" if Kyiv meets a list of conditions, the Kremlin spokesman said on Monday.

Dmitry Peskov said Moscow was demanding that Ukraine cease military action, change its constitution to enshrine neutrality, acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory, and recognise the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent states.


I'm not sure I follow the thinking here.  Crimea isn't gonna go back to Ukraine so continued fighting is...interesting.  If ya'll think they can claw it back I'd love to hear how.

The idea of declaring neutrality and not joining NATO?  That seems like an easy deal.  

I'd push to state that Ukraine can join the EU but otherwise I don't see that as a show stopper.

The separatist republics are an issue though.  I don't know the issues well enough but I imagine the thought of a small scale civil war isn't in anyone's interest.

Maybe push for a peacekeeping force?  Who would man it though.  Put a bunch of soldiers from the 3rd world in there and they'd be taking fire from both sides.  US troops?  Russia would go mad.  Let Russian troops in?  Ukraine would lose it.

One thing is certain.

This Russian offer opened the door.  If we had a REAL SecState instead of a little wanna be pretty boy/girl in that chair they'd be running with this.

This offer makes a deal POSSIBLE.  Possible deal is good.  War is bad. It's really just that simple. 

If we really want to lead then we need to stop the childishness and talk to Russia.

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