Friday, March 11, 2022

Ukrainian and Russian Refugees Surge at US-Mexico Border

 via TIME

Migrant advocates say Sofiia and her family’s struggle has directed a spotlight on the Biden Administration’s embrace of Title 42, which has been the subject of an ongoing lawsuit against the U.S., at a time when a growing number of Ukrainians and Russians are attempting to request asylum.

According to a TIME analysis of CBP data, the number of encounters between U.S. border agents and Ukrainians and Russians at the U.S.-Mexico border increased 753% between FY2020 and 2021. In FY22 so far, the number of Ukrainians and Russians encountered at the border has already surpassed the previous two years, with the most significant uptick happening in the last six months, as Russia’s threats against Ukraine increased. CPB has not yet provided data for February or early March, making it difficult to more precisely track the influence of the Russian invasion.


Read the ENTIRE story and make note of dates when increased Ukrainian, Russia and "other than Mexicans" started crossing the southern border.

I've been accused of race baiting (funny as hell), but that will NOT stop me from asking difficult questions.


The Biden administration's policy on immigration has led to an INFLUX of people from all OVER THE WORLD attempting to cross into the US via the southern border. This is a national security issue.  IT IS NOT A HUMANITARIAN ISSUE.  NOT FOR US CITIZENS!!


This policy confusion has become a MAGNET to people which has resulted in a muddled policy with no clear answers.


Unchecked immigration will/has led to numerous deaths of American citizens by criminal immigrants.  We can expect that to increase with the new rush.


I contend that an immigration pause is necessary to get our house in order and to put in place a FAIR immigration system that accounts for the needs of the US first and foremost and allows for background checks of those that seek to enter the country.


The war porn that the Ukrainian/Russian conflict has become will leave MANY Americans vulnerable to the plight of both Russians and Ukrainians.

This vulnerability (which is being led by the elite in an effort to drum up support for increased spending across the board and to distract the public from the economic CATASTROPHE that we're all staring down) will lead to MANY MORE unpleasant conversations.

Haitians that are facing criminality that borders on the barbaric were not allowed into the country.  Venezuelans are being denied when they live under an oppressive govt and are also facing rampant criminality. The list goes on.

If we swing open the doors to Ukrainians then how do you explain shutting it to other groups.  If you open the doors to all then how do you ensure that we maintain an orderly society?

Long story short?

Expect more and more heartstrings to be pulled while they distract you from a fracturing society, an ineffective federal govt, attempts to maintain the frontier via our military and increased social experimentation.

We are all being deceived and most are not noticing...and even fewer want to take a cold, hard look at the problem.

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