Friday, March 04, 2022

Weird war. If they were black or brown this highway would have been bum rushed with a quickness....

Alot of questions are being answered about law enforcement with this war. If these people were black or brown this road would have been bum rushed. Cleared in seconds. Instead we see cheerleading for a not quite a war and people saying how brave and capable these UNTRAINED, UNFIT and poorly EQUIPPED civilians are against a standing army.


Some idiots in the audience aren't willing to look at the hard facts of this thing.

Russians can get the job done.

We've seen it.

This war though.  This THING is different.

This isn't an all out war like the Russians have fought all over the globe.  This is more like a POLITE civil war.

The Russians turn up the temperature just a TAD and Zelensky is begging for negotiations?  If they went all out at the beginning and fought by their own playbook this place would have fell in a few days.

The Russians slow walked it and are paying a price for their niceties.  

But make no mistake.  Against other foes they would be much more vicious and methodical.

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