Sunday, March 20, 2022

What we're seeing doesn't make sense. What is the goal of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine?

None of this is tracking with common sense.

Crowd blocking the way and you don't go lethal?  Ok.  ROE prevents that.  Then why aren't we seeing flashbangs?  Pepper spray?  Even riot control police in the area with water cannons?

The Pentagon says that the Russians have stalled out and they're in defensive positions?  Ok.  Then why aren't we seeing an increase in artillery fires?  Long range strikes by aircraft?  

On a strategic level, we've seen Zelensky making speeches left and right.  A few idiots in the US have called for someone to assassinate Putin.  Surely that means a massive time on target barrage of the Ukrainian headquarters/parliament/seat of power is allowed.  Why they haven't made a run at Zelensky is puzzling.

Where are their Tier 1 snipers roaming the battlefield making every Ukrainian soldier clench when they hear a limb snap?  Why haven't we seen Russian Special Ops making raids left and right?

This whole thing is so off I can't even begin to describe it.

The only thing I'm pretty sure of is that conquest of Ukraine wasn't the goal.  I DO BELIEVE they wanted Odessa but that's off the table (apparently) for now.

I can't properly describe how weird this war is. I don't believe our analyst on this.  They're caught up in mob think.  

One thing is certain.

The WORLD can't afford for this thing to go on much longer.  10 million refugees flooding into Europe with a near future of even more coming from MEA soon?

A food crisis that will kill the economic power of the middle class everywhere?  Gas prices continuing to explode?

The mob wants total victory and/or protracted war (for Ukraine).  

They really don't know what they're asking for.  We'll be on the cusp of a great depression unless people start thinking.

I'm going look at some Russian websites to get a solid grasp on the goals of this thing.  I recommend our govt minions do the same and even my readers if you have the time.

We're missing something big here.

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