Thursday, March 24, 2022

You believe the Ukrainian Defense Force is counterattacking by itself?

 I've been watching new coverage of the war and I'm just flabbergasted.

The hit on those Russian ships.

Do you think the Ukrainians did that solo?  Ain't no way in hell. They got big time help from some country in NATO.  Don't waste your time telling me otherwise. It's freaking obvious.

The gains they've made on the ground?  That's been supported too.

Which brings me to this.

Biden is jacking up the sanctions.  Made a trip to Europe to "steady" the allies.

Let's ignore the damage that is being done to the global economy (and that damage will be most felt in the Middle East and Africa soon enough which will open up a whole new can of "oh shit" on the world), and focus on the LEGALITY of it all, and the ramifications of it.

If you're in ANY country on the face of the earth could you be a leader and not take note of this?

If you were a RESPONSIBLE LEADER of any nation on the face of the earth would you not take measures to insulate yourself from this type of damage?

Without a doubt the Chinese are.

When it comes to seizures of the "oligarchs" yachts/property and other items.  If you had a sizeable income (define that as you will) would you NOT observe what's going on and take steps to insulate yourself from this type of action by ANY govt entity?

I hear the cheering for the sanctions and other actions but I believe they'll turn to jeers once the blowback to this activity is finally felt by even the little guy (and the little guy is feeling it...from food, to gas, to everything in-between).

But let me end this with a question.

What is the end goal?

Is it to simply get Russia to stop the fighting?

For those that don't like looking at Russian intentions, views etc...I ask you to put that in your back pocket for a second and try and look at it from their chair.

They started a war to ensure a buffer remained between them and NATO...a NATO that has been steadily expanding.

Once this "special military operation" was started (we still don't know their objectives) they suddenly ran not into Ukrainian defense but found themselves in a proxy war AGAINST NATO!

Additionally they now find themselves locked not only into a kinetic war against NATO, which is using Ukraine as a proxy, but Biden has also launched an economic war which appears designed to cripple their country to such an extent that it evaporates just like the former USSR.

Looking at this fight from their point of view this has gone from a special military operation into a fight for the very survival of their nation.

We lack communications with them.

They're pushed into a corner and their national survival is at stake.

I once thought the possibility of chemical or nuclear weapons use was a fantasy.

I don't think so anymore.

I repeat what I said.

From their point of view this fight is turning into a fight for national survival.

My point after this long rant?

The US State Dept needs to get off its ass (use back channels..the French, Israelis, Turks, Indians..HELL EVEN THE CHINESE!!!) and find someway to talk to the Russians before this thing spirals.  Trust me.  We're approaching a point where this thing will get out of control

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