Wednesday, March 02, 2022

You boys and girls better wrap your brains around the fact that Ukraine will fall...Negotiate to save it...Emote and it dies...

 I did a blog post earlier where I stated that the US/EU/NATO (should have included Ukraine but didn't) should negotiate with Russia.

The usual, non thinking suspects roared in outrage. 

"Why!  We would be rewarding bad behavior"

"The Ukrainians determine their own fate...there is no role for the US"

The list goes on.

The reality?  Ukraine would have fallen already if the Russia's had gone in hard from the start.  The weapons delivered are cute but the Russians aren't going hard.  Their forces are confused and apparently not properly supplied.

Add to the above that Putin thought that they would be welcomed as liberators and you have a mess.

But what about the sanctions?

They'll probably be in place for a bit but the reality is that every nation we've ever sanctioned has found workarounds.  Russia will do the same.

But back on task.

If you want to save Ukraine, THEN NEGOTIATE!  Declare it a neutral country.  Formalize that it won't join NATO but that if attacked country X, Y and Z will defend it.  Take it to the UN but don't play cute with this.

Our State Dept and White House cannot allow the passions of the mob (in this case social media) to dictate their actions.  They're suppose to be above the fray and they should be seeking to defuse this crisis.

From my chair they haven't.  Want a kick in the ass?  Go here to see a list of ongoing wars.  Ukraine is capturing everyone's attention but its not the only show in town.

I don't want any part of those conflicts and I don't want any part of this one.  BUT since its been a cause celeb I've at least put forward what I think might help to solve it.

Before YOU rage and emote, tell me YOUR better idea.

Sidenote.  The gas is still flowing to Europe right?  I don't know but that's what people in comments are saying.  So if the gas is flowing and the West continues to sanction them then what do you think the Russians will do?  Don't you think they'll sell their gas on the black market instead?  Are you ready for 175 dollar a barrel gas?  We have a terrible vulnerability here WHILE we act like we don't.  On the political side this will seal the fate of the Dems in the midterms.  The desire to look tough instead of being smart, to play to the mob instead of thinking will have consequences that they aren't paying attention to.  You were told it here first.

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