Saturday, March 05, 2022

Zelensky's arc in videos...

I've made the statement that Zelensky has had a hell of an arc. From looking completely over his head at the beginning of this fight, to defiance - damn near arrogance in the middle and now appearing to be staring into the abyss and losing his composure. Its on full display if you just watch and make an ATTEMPT to read his body language.


The above vid was at the start of this thing.


This is Zelensky at the height of his power. A media darling. A symbol to many. He was basking in the glory of the moment.


More fawning and hero worship.


The exuberance and over confidence is gone. The arrogance has all but disappeared. Now he's begging for help and asking for NATO involvement.


This one I don't understand. The power plant wasn't attacked. It was an adjacent building. But the bigger issue is that YOU MUST CONTROL power production if you're going after a country, a building that is holding a hostage, even a crack house that you know is fortified! That's 101. 

But back to Zelensky. I read this as him flailing about. He lost a battle but he has a war to win right? His hyper focus on this subject along with the news media is more over the top hype designed to stir the masses.

The Ukrainian president has had a helluva arc.  It will be interesting to see how history views him.

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