Sunday, April 03, 2022

25th ID is set to pick up the Amphibious Assault role while US Marines land to look back at the sea...

Is there ANY Marine Corps on this planet that lands (formerly assaulted) to look back at the sea instead of pushing in to assault an objective? Well we have one now. The USMC (they really should change the name) is going to land on a beach and look back at the sea instead of seizing ground. That is a huge void. I've been monitoring the 25th ID and while they'll also pick up the coastal defense mission (they'll have more anti-ship missiles in that one division than will the entire USMC), they're also (from my chair) looking to pick up the amphibious assault role too. I've never seen Soldiers outside of Special Forces spend as much time in the water as these bubbas. Voids are designed to be filled. Looks like the 25th is filling this one.

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