Sunday, April 03, 2022

Armor will respond after this fight...expect APS, micro UAVs and copious amounts of cannon artillery, along with mech scouts roaming to blunt the anti-tank show we've seen...


Everyone, including myself, gets caught up in the moment.  Even if we don't see things clearly (we can't in the middle of a war with propaganda from BOTH sides flying), you can bet that certain specialties in the military are already responding.

Which brings me to the armored branch.

You can bet every armor expert from the US Army (don't include the USMC, we're out of that business), to China, Russia, Turkey, the UK, Poland...damn near everyone is looking at this fight and trying to figure things out.

Starting with the Russians and Chinese.

If Ukraine pushes the Russians out of Crimea then hold on and be strong.

That bear will be back with a vengeance (which is why I think security guarantees are so freaking important AND dangerous to peace in Europe...if hastily applied we could see a REALLY big fight in the near future).

You can expect the Russians and Chinese to look at their current MBTs, vehicles that they thought was good enough and quickly move onto the next generation.

What does that mean?

T-14 Armatas probably in Russia and China.

You can probably figure on enhanced APS and micro UAVs to scout ahead of armored formations.  Mech Scouts will be revitalized in ways that were hardly imagined at the start of 2022 and you can bet they'll be drilled to damn near elite levels.

Cannon artillery will make a comeback and you'll see its use against anti-tank teams before they come into range of armored forces....massives fires just to kill a team and even more fires to make sure they're done.

Additionally I think you'll see massive strides in mobility applies and perhaps a decrease in armor and even more reliance on the APS for protection.

Fights in cities are looking to become as horrific as I've thought. JUST AS I'VE STATED the idea of sending infantry into even small cities to clear out defenders is gonna go the way of the dodo bird (it was always a batshit stupid idea...this war just put an exclamation point on it...WHERE DO PLANNERS GET THIS SHIT?).

In short?

America and the rest of the world is STARTING (they're not all there yet because these theorist are so freaking wedded to their ideas that its almost religion) to realize what the real old skool Soldiers and Marines always knew (talking about WW2, Korean War, and Vietnam War...let me add the Fallujah and Sodder City vets too).

Fights in cities is beyond fucked up.  Planning to fight in a mega city is insanity.

Lastly, everyone is talking about peer vs peer warfare.

We should pray to whatever God you worship that it never comes.


Because in that type of fight the populations of both sides will be dramatically and traumatically affected.  If the US were to be actually involved in a war against China or Russia or both, you can bet that the homeland will be hit.  If not kinetically then certainly with cyber attacks and the populations on the East and West Coast will be vulnerable to something as simple as turning off the power.

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