Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Berger just MIGHT be right but he was the wrong man to lead this change.

 Circling back to the War On The Rocks article.  Read it here. One statement stands out (well many stood out and I'll get to them eventually...this is the best article on Force Design 2030 I've read and this bubba has the guts to lay it all out...UNLIKE HQMC).

 Since the commandant appears to have lost the support of a large cadre of retired Marine generals, something clearly went off the rails. 

That is an understatement from hell. 

I've said it once and I'll say it again.  Getting buy in from the people you lead is Change Agent 101 stuff.  

As a matter of fact when it comes to courses that teach being a Change Agent and list the do's and don'ts of the thing, your boy Berger has committed just about every DON'T there is!

No one is saying it but his biggest problem is that he's started wholesale change and has absolutely no idea what the end state of his change will be.

His focus on stand-in-forces has shook the Corps to its foundation and the sudden reversal of talking points ring hollow.

The USMC will continue to be a force in readiness?  We're still gonna be a crisis response force? The USMC isn't building its force for one region, one foe?

The new talk all sounds like lies.  

Which leads me to this.  Berger MIGHT beat back the assault of the Generals but he will still fail. Inflation.  Budget issues.  Navy priorities. His change will be still born and incomplete.  He will face the worst of both worlds.  He destroyed the Marine Corps but can't build his desired force.

Better to case the colors.  

Rebrand the thing...The Marine Littoral Force and be done with it.

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