Saturday, April 30, 2022

Broaden your view of the Ukraine/NATO/US vs Russia war....

 This is a small rant.  Everyone is focused tightly on the actual fight..the kinetics, logistics involved in this fight and forgetting the other part.

The economics of this thing.

That's the weird part.  Shortly after this fight started it was the US that turned this into an economic fight and that is where I think a HUGE mistake was made.

The reality?

War is politics.

Clausewitz conceived of war as a political, social, and military phenomenon which might—depending on circumstances—involve the entire population of a political entity at war.

Politics is economics/social.

Therefore War is Economics!

If you've been on this blog then you know that the allies have practically owned the SOCIAL media of this fight.

If you're in the Western world (I include my bros in S. America and parts of Africa in this too) then you've experienced the economic part of this.

Ukraine/NATO/EU/US will NOT lose this war on the battlefield. They MIGHT lose it in the grocery stores and gas stations.


They WILL lose it in the grocery stores and gas stations UNLESS they're able to course correct NOW.  If summer hits and we're in this same economic situation then all bets are off. 

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