Friday, April 29, 2022

China says Nato has ‘messed up Europe’ and warns over role in Asia-Pacific

 via The Guardian

China’s ministry of foreign affairs has accused Nato of messing up Europe and stirring up conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region, after the UK’s foreign secretary told China it should “play by the rules”.

In a speech at Mansion House in London on Wednesday, Liz Truss renewed calls to boost Nato in the wake of the Ukraine war, and said the coordinated moves to isolate Russia from the world economy proved that market access to democratic countries was no longer a given. Truss also delivered a direct warning to China.

“Countries must play by the rules. And that includes China,” she said.

On Thursday Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for China’s ministry of foreign affairs, dismissed Truss’s comments and accused Nato of demanding other countries abide by basic norms while it has “wantonly waged wars and dropped bombs in sovereign states, killing and displacing innocent civilians”.

“Nato, a military organisation in the North Atlantic, has in recent years come to the Asia-Pacific region to throw its weight around and stir up conflicts,” Wang said.


China needn't worry.  NATO won't be coming to assist the US in the Pacific.

We'll be lucky to have the Brits and even they might get cold feet. 

“Nato has messed up Europe. Is it now trying to mess up the Asia-Pacific and even the world?”

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