Sunday, April 10, 2022

Chinese shipments to Russia via Y-20 continue for a second day

I'm extremely curious as to how they know what is being sent...maybe the Chinese themselves released the information?

I don't think it matters what is being shipped.  What matters is that the Chinese are engaging via Russia.  

Those sneaky Chinese bastards.

The Western Govts along with the media has run a full court press on this conflict.  Critical thinking is not allowed.  Dissenting views are not allowed.

So we presented the Chinese with an opportunity.

The longer the EU/US/NATO are focused on the conflict in Europe (and I'm sure they've noticed that American foreign policy has a decidedly European bent to it), the longer sap our strength, can act without notice and cause the threat (to them) powers to shoot themselves in the foot.


If this short war drags out then it benefits China greatly.

I never put much stock into the idea that WW3 has started like so many claim but I'm starting to waiver a bit.

I don't know if we're seeing the start of WW3, but I definitely believe we're seeing the seeds being planted, watered and fertilized for that conflict in the near future.

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