Monday, April 18, 2022

Did you catch this tidbit about Force Design 2030?

FD is evolving and its going to evolve right? How many of you missed this via Marine Times
“I don’t think the Marine Corps will be terminating our design efforts anytime soon,” Dunne said.

Experimentation has showed signs of where the games got it wrong, Dunne said. For example, the Marine Corps cut too many law enforcement and engineer assets. He says he knows the Corps plans to restore those capabilities but did not give any details on when or how that would take place.


In my neck of the woods there is a saying that you measure twice and cut once.

I think that applies worldwide UNLESS you're Commandant of the Marine Corps and you're simply pursuing radical change because radical change is the goal.

How crazy is it to think that they were in such a rush that they hadn't even concluded their experimentation before they made the cuts.

One other thing.

This whole concept is based on wargames right?  The wargames indicated that FD2030 was the right direction?  Well if the wargames don't match the experimentation then we have a serious disconnect that should render the whole thing invalid shouldn't it?

I wonder which think tank ran the wargames.  I'm betting Rand had a hand in it...they always do.  Who else?

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