Sunday, April 24, 2022

Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Squadron VRM-30 "Titans" CMV-22B Osprey USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN


Marine Littoral Regiments? Dispersed ships?  Being dispersed is the new buzz word on the "naval" side of the DoD?

Then why isn't the Marine Corps/Navy pushing for a few extra versions of this airplane, outfitted for Medevac/Casevac/Rescue?

One little known (or at least talked about) part of Force Design 2030 is that Berger himself said that the "Golden Hour" is essentially dead.

Personally I don't want to accept that.

Get these guys and girls SOMETHING to get them to treatment as soon as possible.

At the very least develop a special medical loadout for designated aircraft and acquire a few extra so that dedicated airframes can be setup for the role.

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