Thursday, April 28, 2022

Force Design 2030. Purpose Built For Sea Denial...but the USMC will still be able to conduct other missions?


Berger is launching a last ditch effort to TRY and gain support for his plan.

The problem?

His own words and the words of his subordinates betray him. He has stated quite clearly that Force Design 2030 is purpose built for only ONE THING.

Sea Denial.

Additionally he's pushed the Stand-In-Force Concept as being key to joint operations in the Indo Pacific.

US Marines will act as the eyes, ears and bullet sponges for the joint force.


Now he's trying to pivot.

Now he's trying to say that the Marine Corps will still be a force in readiness.  Will still conduct crisis response missions.  Will still conduct amphibious assaults.

If you follow the money and watch the units being disbanded then you know that's not true.

So where is he now?

He's facing the worst thing that a leader can be confronted with.

No one believes him.  No one trusts him.

His obsession with his own concept led him to message this thing badly (if we assume that he is indeed being truthful)...he failed to get buy in.

If he's is being deceitful (as I suspect), then he'll be found out soon enough.  He will earn his place as another failed Commandant.

The terrible thing?

He tried to ram rod this thing in.  He cut units, will have to reconstitute some, and his only answer is that its a learning program.

What person starts a process without knowing the end result?  Evolve on the fly?  That's a recipe for continued friction inside the force.

You've heard of the hollow Army?  We're looking at a hollow, ineffective Marine Corps that is incapable of performing its traditional missions and/or Berger's new dream.

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