Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Germany is about to get smashed by its energy policy...

Anytime you have officials in an industry give as many warnings as the energy sector in Germany has given to the public then you can pretty much guarantee that the thing they're warning about is a "done deal".

Energy is about to smash Germany and it might take Europe down with it.

If you thought that only the US would face a recession you were thinking too small.

I warned ya!

We're looking at a global recession.  How deep?  I have no idea, but the pain is coming.


Many in this audience wanted it and now you get it.  Hit me up around Christmas and tell me how much you love the LUDICROUS sanctions that we imposed that will not only crush Russia but damn near torpedo the world economy.

Some of you people really need to do a little thinking.  It ain't that hard.

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