Friday, April 22, 2022

Germany's producer price inflation jumps to 30.9% in March, the highest level since 1949.

Don't laugh. 

I believe we're in the same boat in the US, its just that our govt is massaging the number to make things look better than they actually are. It also explains why the Fed is getting so serious about inflation (which caused the stock market to have kittens today...down at one point almost 1K points). 

We're just delaying the pain. Which leads me back to the Ukraine situation. I believe we should negotiate with the Russians NOW (US/EU/NATO/Ukrainians have leverage...if the worst happens it will disappear)!

Soon economic considerations will cause individual nations to peel off from the alliance due to domestic pressure to get prices/inflation under control. If unemployment becomes an issue (which I think it will) then you can even see some govts flip to the opposition (I expect an EASY Republican victory in Nov unless things dramatically change).

The long made short?

The longer this goes on, the greater the chance that the unity being shown by the alliance will devolve into bickering over the world's economic state.

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