Thursday, April 28, 2022

It's beyond obvious. America's president is suffering a dramatic mental decline.

Love him or hate him, I just don't care.

What I do care about is that this dude is obviously suffering.  That's messed up.  Even worse?  He was elected to do the job of being Commander in Chief of the United States...the President. He's being propped up and sent out by his handlers.  Sounds like elder abuse to me.

If he is incapable of doing the job then who is running this country? The bureaucrats?

That should chill your bones.

What should cause you to punch walls?

If this thing runs its course (I unfortunately have witnessed this disease personally) then within a year it will speed up and he'll have to be replaced...his condition will be obvious to even his most fevered supporter.

So what does that leave us with?

If I'm remembering my high school civics class right - Kamala becomes PRESIDENT and Nancy becomes VP!

Pure nightmare fuel!

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