Monday, April 11, 2022

Short rant. Everyone is so focused on the war in Ukraine that you're missing the economic danger that is just over the hill

 I have gone from amused to just short of raging.

The propaganda, aided by US media, is in full press mode about the war in Ukraine.

If you follow this blog then you know that I've posted a few articles that talk about the economic danger that's just over the hill and headed our way fast.

The war in Ukraine will be what it will be.

But if you think that the war in Ukraine is the threat to world order then you're smoking crack.

From the Pacific, to S. America, over to Africa and the Middle East the world is turning into a powder keg.  Correction.  It's becoming an even bigger powder keg than it was before.

We haven't seen the bad stuff yet but we could be looking at horror upon horror that will touch the West in ways that the Ukraine conflict never will.

Govts will be toppled and replaced by radicals.  Starvation will become even more wide spread.  Energy prices will consume HUGE portions of the average persons budget.  Food prices will alter us in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago.

All that and I haven't taken into account a surge in covid...AGAIN!

Many have become so inflamed and so preoccupied with Ukraine that they're missing the real danger that is coming at us all.

Watch Ukraine if you must (I do ... even though I don't think its our fight), but ALSO watch the world economy.

Economic conditions can spark wars and we're seeing horrible economic conditions.

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