Sunday, April 24, 2022

Small Rant. Who's calling the shots in Ukraine. It ain't the Ukrainians!

 I caught a small tidbit that has been sticking in my head.  It's probably nothing but it keeps roaring back.

During a Pentagon press briefing the retired admiral that's serving as the Pentagon press sec was talking about supplying weapons to Ukraine.

He stated that they were assessing the situation and sending them weapons that fit their needs...the needs of the fight that they were in.

That made me pause.

Then I keep reading reports in British newspapers (won't even bother to post them cause I'll immediately get bombarded by my Brit readers that paper such and such is just a gossip site) that the SAS is on the ground in Ukraine.

Which all leads me back to Zelensky.

The dude isn't a war leader and everyone knows it.  Correction.  He isn't a tactician.  From looking at a few of the military leaders that have been paraded in front of the cameras they don't give off that air either.

So who's running this show?

The Ukrainians are skilled in social media (with HUGE assistance from the Western press in general and the US press in particular).

That along with the social media companies making posting anything about Ukrainian losses, Russian success or any misstep by the Dills almost outlawed its no wonder they're shining.

But the weapons list has me curious.

They keep begging for more and more.  That's Zelensky's move...and he always goes with his move.

EVERYTHING POINTS to an outside force directing this fight.


Is it NATO?  Maybe.  US Army Europe?  Seems more likely.


Because of the intel side of this thing.  No European country can match our intel gathering capability.  NATO command would probably expose some things that we would want to keep secret.

If US Army Europe is running the show then we can be more selective in what is given to the Ukrainians (intel wise) without it turning into a buffet so that they can take what they want.

Additionally the attacks on Russian generals/command posts/artillery sites indicate that a type of coordination BEYOND the capability of the Ukrainians is at work.


The Ukrainians ain't calling the shots on this.  US Army Europe is (oh and don't forget that the CIA is probably having a field day...Russians are a much preferred enemy to the Islamic terrorists...they know how to play the game, amateurs are unpredictable).

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