Thursday, April 21, 2022

The decision NOT to storm the Iron & Steel Works is the first smart action by the Russians so far...

Putin called it off and ordered his forces not to storm the iron works?

This is the first smart action I've seen so far.  Unlike many military leaders in the West, at least he seems to understand exactly how batshit crazy it is to engage in major urban combat.

Bigger than that though is it removes the chance of martyrdom for the Azov Regiment.

Yeah.  In the West we have our version of martyrdom.  Custer's last stand.  Frozen Chosin.  Charge of the light brigade.  Blackhawk Down.  The 300.

I would think it would be smart for a 3rd party nation to take custody of the residents, Marines and Azov and intern them for the remainder of the war (hot war anyway...I expect this to go on for years).

Ideally it would have been the US but I don't think we have that credibility currently (although it could lead to negotiations to end the bloodshed).

So who does that leave?

I'm thinking China, India, Israel, & Turkey.

Why those nations?

They all have or had relations with Russia/EU/USA, they're somewhat playing the middle game, and it could help their stature in the world (my prime picks for this would be India and Turkey).

Before you smash my idea then remember all the pleas and anguish I've heard about this war.

What is ya'll keep shouting?  We've got to end the bloodshed?  I don't think the Russians will leave an escape corridor, and trying to evade individually or in small groups is a recipe for disaster (although I'm sure some have tried).

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