Saturday, April 23, 2022

There will be no military unblocking of Mariupol now.

The stage is set.

Ukrainian Marines to a lesser degree, but Azov Regiment (because of their white washing) to a much greater degree will get a chance at having their last stand.

This will prove to be interesting.

I don't know much about the Ukrainian Marines (they appear to have fought well, but once again the Azov fans have overshadowed them) and I'm more concerned about their well being and those of the civilians trapped.

I don't think attempting a breakout is possible or wise.

Will they surrender?  The Russians offered a chance and they were turned down.  Does the offer still stand?

Do they even want to surrender?

Azov is a totally different can of bad fish.  I'm sure a few have visions of martyrdom dancing in their heads.

Then we have the civilians.  Supposedly attempts to get them out have been tried but failed.  Will the UN attempt another extraction under my proposal to have them interned in a third country till the fighting was over?

The ugly of the war is coming and coming fast.

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