Sunday, April 17, 2022

They're trying to bolster support for Force Design 2030 by "explaining it better"?

I'm gonna try and watch this but hope is not high that we're gonna hear anything that moves the needle. I've watched Berger in front of several groups talking about this thing and it all boils down to "being the eyes and ears of the joint force". Additionally he can talk about being a force in readiness and America's 9-1-1 force now (although it never crossed his lips when he was rolling this thing out) but we probably can't seize shit now, definitely won't be able seize shit in the future and Marine Corps infantry is simply perimeter security for the missile boys.

I've never seen the USMC so "confused" and unsure of itself in my entire life.

This design hasn't brought clarity.  It brought confusion, friction and a force that has lost its identity.

Even giving Berger the benefit of the doubt, one thing is certain. He's leaving the Corps in worse shape than when he found it.  He's in good company though.  Amos and Neller walked the same ground he's covering.

Happily though, the Marine Corps had a good run.  Nothing lasts forever.

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