Thursday, April 28, 2022

Turkey is building a combat UAV to operate off their LHD? (Jet Powered)



I always thought that the US Navy should dedicate a big carrier to being a UAV carrier...ONLY a UAV carrier.

Can you imagine the number of aircraft they could put on deck?  Can you imagine the surge capability?  The ability to put close air support over a MAGTF?  24-7 coverage without having to worry about recovering a downed pilot!  Absolutely AMAZING sea control, recon, and if you can get buddy tanking with unmanned vehicles developed you're talking about maintaining those patrols for a very long time.

Gotta give the Turks credit.  THEY ARE TRULY INNOVATING!  You can bet your last dollar that if they make this work, then every nation with an LHD will be climbing onboard HARD!

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