Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Washington says ok to Slovakian Migs, will send Mi-17s...this thing could spiral. Is that the goal?

I wonder what the strategy is in Washington with regard to the Ukraine crisis.

I saw a report that Washington said yes to Slovakian Migs to Ukraine and Dan is saying they're gonna send Mi-17s.

Other EU/NATO countries are sending armored vehicles.

What is the strategy?

Has anyone noticed that this is turning into more than a war of survival for Ukraine?

No.  Let me be clear.  Are we trying to use Ukraine to push Russia into a war for its survival?

Why do I even ask?

Because I see no diplomatic work being done by the US State Dept. NONE!  I have seen various European leaders try one on one talks with Putin but he's made it clear that he will only deal with Biden.

So what does Biden do?  Sound like a "mean girl" and hurls insults.

If you can see a strategy here I'd love to know what it is.  Meanwhile Ukraine continues to be ravaged, the Russians keep pushing and no one is talking to try and end this thing.

Note.  If you believe Putin is evil and want Ukraine to destroy Russia and seize back all its territory then be advised that this war will run boiling hot for probably 4 or more years.  The fact that we have seen so little effort at diplomacy is stunning.  It would seem to me that a resolution to this war as soon as possible is in the best interest of the world.  Any battlefield solution...favorable to Russia or Ukraine will just lead to an extended conflict.  Diplomacy is the only way to stabilize the global economy and we need it quick fast and in a hurry.

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