Saturday, April 23, 2022

What are the Ukrainians thinking??? Small rant!

Someone in Zelensky's office announced that the SecState and SecDef of the US were gonna meet with him in Kyiv on Sunday.

What the fuck are they thinking?

All the bubbas assigned to their personal security details must be shitting kittens right about now.

Can you imagine the coordination required to pull this off?

AWACS and Air Patrol up just in case Russia decides to launch an aerial assault.  Counterbattery radars, artillery and MLRS launchers ready to go in case shells start flying.  Close in protection is gonna be a bear.  Not only do you have to worry about potential snipers that might have continued to lay low waiting for a proper target, but you have to try and vett his entire staff (decision makers) along with the rest of their follower, Zelensky's protective detail, the food staff, janitor...anyone that could be a Russian mole.

Not a professional move.

A cooperative govt in this situation would have allowed them to fly in, conduct the meeting and fly out...THEN they would have announced it.

These dudes are amateurs.

So what does that leave us with?

Once again US/NATO leadership is counting on the Russians to moderate their behavior while the West continues to ramp things up.

This ain't gonna end well.  If you keep pushing a cornered man, even if that man is scared shitless, he will eventually come out fighting like you can't begin to imagine.

Russia ain't scared but we keep pushing.  Not good.

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