Sunday, May 08, 2022

Cannon artillery is still king, and the war isn't what we're seeing.

 Check this out from MOA (Thank you Carlton for the link!)

From an AFP piece, published on April 30, we have this:

Russian troops in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region have shifted from a steamroller strategy to one of relentlessly chipping away at their opponents in the hope of grinding them down.

Ukraine’s army has little option but to try to stall their larger and better-equipped enemy in the sprawling plains of Donbas, where artillery is king.


Pessimism about the chances of pushing back the Russians appears to be spreading.


Although they are holding their ground on the battlefield, many of Ukraine’s infantry soldiers admit to feeling overwhelmed.

“Viking”, a 27-year-old staff sergeant who fought in Kreminna said his comrades are exhausted and waiting for the order to pull back.

“If it was a war between infantry forces, we would have a chance. But in this area, it’s first and foremost an artillery war and we don’t have enough artillery,” he says.

“For every 300 shells they fire, we fire three.”

Things are not as they appear on mainstream news.  We need to dig deep to get at the truth of this war. 

Most here won't want to, but we must if we truly want to understand. 

One other thing.

Has anyone noticed that we don't see any reports from Western journalist ON THE LINE!

We see reports from Kyiv, and other cities but the only vids we see from the line are from either Russian or Ukrainian soldiers.

I say that to emphasize this.


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