Friday, May 13, 2022

Did India just start the global food war?


Knock on effects boys and girls!

You thought I was being foolish because I wanted a party, any party to start talking to Ukraine & Russia and get them both to knock this off.

Well this should be an eye opener.

Want to see a nation collapse?  You think the fights over religion have been bad?  Believe that the past few years has been a fight over oil?

You ain't seen shit yet.

Wait till you see global tension rise over food.  Wait till you see the refugee streams because poor nations can't feed their people.  

Think crime is bad?  Wait till people start stealing for food instead of drugs!

Unless we get nations together to work out solutions to our various problems (and I'm not talking about climate change) then we will see pop up wars all over the globe, govts fall and societal chaos in developed countries.

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