Tuesday, May 31, 2022

I was right. Army Sec says we have taken some risk with our OWN security to arm Ukraine.

 via Defense Daily

The Army has “taken some risk” to its readiness with the recent drawdown of Javelin and Stinger munitions sent to Ukraine, the service’s secretary said Tuesday, adding it has not reached “an unacceptable level of risk.”

During a discussion with the Atlantic Council, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth cited the importance of recently awarded production deals for Javelins and Stingers as critical to replenishing those munitions stockpiles and ensuring the U.S. is able to support future weapons assistance requests to aid Ukraine in its ongoing fight against Russia’s invasion.

“We are looking, certainly in the Department of Defense and in the Army, at what we need to be doing to allow us to continue to sustain the kind of lethal assistance that we’re providing to the Ukrainians. And that’s why we’ve signed contracts to replenish our Stingers and replenish our Javelins. We have really leaned in to trying to provide everything that the policymakers deem essential to get to the Ukrainians. And we have taken some risk to our own readiness, not an unacceptable level of risk at all. But I think we will continue to do that,” Wormuth said.

History will be the judge of whether the risk was acceptable or not.

As a primary defender of this nation (the Army Sec) I would think that ANY risk that can be avoided will be!

To assume unnecessary risk is just batshit stupid.  And apparently we're being led by batshit stupid people. 

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