Monday, May 30, 2022

Krulak calls for a truce on the Marine Corps civil war over Force Design 2030...Berger's sycophants won't have it

Krulak penned a piece for Marine Corps Times. It reads as an attempt to repair the damage that has come between old Corps vs new Corps Marines over Force Design 2030. Berger's sycophants won't have it. First let's look at what General Krulak penned.

via Marine Corps Times.
During the 1980s, the Marine Corps Gazette and Marine Corps Times provided a place for hard-fought yet professional debates to take place within the Marine Corps and helped discourse to flourish in our classrooms and throughout the force — but always in the spirit of making better Marines and winning battles at lower cost in life.

In closing, I urge all to reflect deeply on our long-standing bedrock principles and to consider carefully the following points:

· We need to move from waging information campaigns against one another after serious decisions about our Corps future have been made to a much more inclusive and transparent process before decisions are made.

· We need to move from generalizations and straw man characterizations of contending views to serious, in-depth discussions about operational capabilities and the dependencies they have, discussions befitting professionals.

· We need to clearly articulate a future end-state and the means by which we will get there to include, rigorously red-teamed transitions that minimize exploitable opportunities by this nation’s enemies each step of the way.

· We need to return to a time when we “cast our nets widely” and think deeply and carefully about our own dynamic, complex adaptive system, and the many other dynamic complex systems with which we operate.

This is our Marine Corps, and we all have roles to play in helping it adapt to an increasingly complex future.

We must never denigrate or marginalize those who want to help shape its future. We must encourage, rather than suppress, different perspectives and life experiences. Open, inclusive stress-testing of hypotheses about our Corps make for both a stronger, more relevant Corps and a more cohesive and unified Corps.

Let’s revitalize “Gung Ho”— working together.


Pretty damn conciliatory if you ask me.  

Seems like he's trying to lower the temperature, and try and work out where the Marine Corps goes into the future.

Berger's pets won't have it though.

Check out what one of his disciples wrote...

Are you shitting me?

That's his response?  Very well.  Fuck it.  Case the colors and name it something else.

You and the rest of YOUR tribe want something new?  Awesome. But don't sully the name United States Marine Corps while pursuing your new religion.

Let it die and build the monstrosity you so desire.

There can be no peace with zealots and this new group are all in on this defensive force (Force Design 2030) that is only viable in one region against one foe.

Note I took a screenshot of this so it won't "mysteriously" disappear.

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