Thursday, May 05, 2022

Marines Committed to New Force Design, Despite Criticism From Retired Generals + Thoughts on Gen Heckl's interview



So the Marine Corps is all in on Force Design 2030.  This will make the Marine Corps a TOTALLY defensive organization with no ability to project power against even the most primitive armies (note the Houthis against the Saudis).

Additionally it will make the Corps into a one region, one foe organization when it can reliably be predicted that we will see conflict in other regions.

Of course the Marines will send aviation assets to assist in those fights but it will further diminish the Marine Corps role in the nation's defense (as we're seeing in Africa...Marine Air is serving as aerial UBER to Army warfighters).

But back to Heckl's interview.

1.  Dude lists a host of issues that we'll get to but NOT ONCE did he address any of the critiques that this concept has received.

2.  They have started on a "transformation" and have no idea what the force will look like once they're done.  They have divested the Corps of Marines and equipment and HAVE NOT completed their experiments!

3.  There are so many showstoppers to this plan that I can't believe ANY commandant would start this transformation.  They have developed a concept and not worked out logistics.  If logistics are difficult then you KNOW they haven't worked out how to handle casualties.  They continue to reach to participate in the undersea battle.  They talk about the NMESIS missile as if the distance it can cover is actually capable of being a deterrent to Chinese aggression.

4.  Much talk was made of reassuring allies.  I can't think of any nation in the Pacific (well outside of Japan & Australia) that actually have terrible relations with China.  They might not be "pals" but no one is outwardly hostile.  Read more about the showstopper called DIPLOMACY here.

5.  I got no indication that the Navy/Marines had worked out the issues with the LAW.  That alone will be problematic.  Even more problematic (and deservedly so) is what happens to big deck amphibs.  The Marines are practically abandoning the Navy is too.

Watch the vid for yourself. 

I personally think Force Design 2030 remains HOT GARBAGE. I think that Berger was NOT the man to lead this effort, that he is a terrible change agent and that this whole effort has become his Holy Grail.  

I seriously believe that if at this point experiments showed that this concept is invalid, that he would continue out of spite.

But listen to the general.  If you believe what he's selling then good on you.  You have the faith of a true zealot.

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