Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Mojave - The Armed Overwatch UAS Solution



I don't know how survivalable these will be in a peer conflict. Quite honestly I have my doubts.


If the Littoral Regiment is gonna be a thing (which I currently believe is a massive mistake) then they're gonna need something overhead to protect and provide surveillance.

This might be the ticket.

If they're able to team them with the few remaining AH-1Zs we have then maybe it could work.  It would definitely be better than what they're planning to send out now.

The problem.  How do you work out the teaming?  The GCE commander is gonna need these in his back pocket (especially since they've lost so much organic firepower), but at the same time to be most effective they need to roam around with those attack helicopters.

Regardless it should be doable.  We're looking at a much smaller Marine Corps with much enhanced headquarters elements.  

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