Sunday, May 08, 2022

Russia has “more than 80%” of its artillery alone “still available to them.”

 Thanks to UtahBob62 for the link!~

via The Drive

Russia begins its push to capture a wider swath of the Donbas, the ability to mass and continue to supply its artillery and other long-range fires capabilities will play a huge role in the success of its latest campaign.

Indiscriminate massed fires, meant to kill, confuse, soften and destabilize an enemy ahead of an advance, has long been a key tenant of Soviet and Russian military doctrine. It was as true in World War II (in much of the same territory) as it is today.


Adding to the challenges for Ukraine is the attrition of its air defense systems, combined with the distance of operations and greater density of Russian air defenses in Donbas, according to RUSI.

“As a result of these factors, the Ukrainian Air Force will have much less ability to influence the course of the ground war in Donbas over the coming weeks than it had around Kyiv or in the southwest around Mykolaiv,” RUSI reported.


Have you noticed the aid package going to Ukraine?  M-777. Caesar from France.  The Brits are sending arty too and many others.

Now we're getting into the war and not the Special Operation.

A 40 mile convoy?  That isn't what you do in a war.  Prep the battlefield with artillery?  That IS what you do in a war.

NOW we will see glimpses of future warfare.  Electronic attack/defense, long range ground based ISR, and sustained fires mixed with long range stuff.

NOW we're gonna get past the propaganda and into the real fight.

NOW we will see the true mettle of both forces. No more delusion on either side.  The Russians know it won't be easy and the Ukrainians know it too. The real fight has finally begun.

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