Tuesday, May 03, 2022

The civilians that are encircled in Mariupol (with the Azov Regiment) are being allowed out....curious war.

First a small rant.

How do you know you're being spun by the media?  When the term far right is used in the US to describe simple conservatives, but when dealing with an actual NAZI organization in Ukraine we've heard the same descriptor.

I've heard far right, National Guard unit, anything but Azov Regiment which is associated with NAZIs (has them in its ranks).

Now onto this situation.

I don't get it.

Everything I've seen points to Ukrainian success (don't care who wins just wants this thing over with for the sake of the world), they've been flooded with weapons (they're gonna need a logistical genius to keep track and determine which unit gets what and then to keep it properly supplied) and they're supposed to be making gains all over the place.

So why would an Army that is being harassed and repelled on multiple fronts allow an enemy to escape?  I will note that I've seen vids of some of the trapped AZOV members and I don't see the hollowed eyes, sunken jaws of men that are being stressed by continuous bombardments and intermittent meals.

But back to the issue.

I don't understand why the Russians are relenting...it is "nice" but it isn't the kind of high tech, winner take all war that this is being billed as.


The SecDef said that the goal is to degrade Russia's military.  Ok. I get the strategic goal behind that.  Bring Russia to heel and you have a backdoor into China when we finally get around to that fight (I suspect that was the real push for Afghanistan).

But has ANYONE thought about the implications of that?

Let's just look at the simple part of this.


By everything I've read, an attack against an annexed area is the same as attacking that nation's homeland.

So Russian leadership has been talking about the possibility of nuclear war increasing, the SecDef says his little thing, Ukraine is being emboldened to "make its country whole" and no one is thinking of the ramifications of such an action?

We seriously need someone to turn down the temp on this thing. It could EASILY spiral out of control.  The Russia Hawks are gonna get us all in more pain than you can imagine.

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