Monday, May 30, 2022

The Guardian (UK) gets it. They have an editorial saying to end the sanctions against Russia...they're doing more harm than good.


It always happens this way. Others have dealt with me coming around late to what they were saying (APA & Mike Sparks) and I bashed them relentlessly...until I got past my ingrained (and perhaps trained) impulse to believe what so called authorities were saying. 


 I've been beating the drum that the sanctions against Russia are doing more harm than good, explode every international norm with regard to finances we've seen in our lifetimes and is sparking inflation, high gas prices and a looming food shortage. The knock on effects of the sanctions will cause more death, instability and wars than the war in Ukraine will. The suffering of billions pales in comparison to the suffering of millions when it comes to geo-politics.

The Guardian has come around to reality.  Many so called elites have too.  Eventually what is seen as outlandish and a misguided viewpoint will soon become common knowledge and everyone will claim to have thought it first.

Note.  Send the flame and the hate.  I know a certain reader will bang keyboards telling me how we're all part of a psyops campaign.  I'm ready.

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