Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The operating concepts which Force Design intends to employ contain some sound ideas, some dubious assumptions, and some optimistic projections

via SmallWarsJournal
  Stand In Forces is the concept intended to work in tandem with Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations and describes the forces that operate from these expeditionary advanced bases.  To deal with the problem of an adversary with a long-range precision-strike regime, Stand In Forces divides the battlespace into three zones of conflict. 

The first zone, closest to the adversary, will be operated in primarily by autonomous vehicles.  The second, further from the adversary but within the range of its weapons, will be operated in by teamed manned and unmanned systems.  The final zone is outside the range of the adversary’s weapons.  This zone houses equipment systems and personnel requiring logistical and maintenance support.  These will reside either on temporary facilities ashore or at sea, with the systems they support traveling forward into the contested zones.

The idea is that forces in the forward zones of conflict are responsible for identifying and tracking adversary assets. At the same time, those in the rear are responsible for servicing the assets forward.  The separation of zones is conceptually nothing new—merely a defense in depth as has been Marine Corps doctrine for generations. 



It's worse than I thought.  There are more holes in this concept than even I feared.

This isn't a concept.  It's a dream.

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