Sunday, May 29, 2022

The school shooter benefited from normalcy bias with regard to school lockdowns...


Seems like the local officials are about to dump the blame for this thing back on the federal govt.

The real problem is normalcy bias on the part of everyone involved.  You raise the alarm so much that no one takes alarms seriously.

The bastard that did the shooting is of course to blame.

But officials have a responsibility too.

Remember when the Biden Admin came into office?  How they bragged that the adults were back in charge?  They've been a total failure.

The City Police?  Complete and utter useless pieces of trash. Children being killed and no one goes in?  You actually have living pieces of subhuman scum on this blog defending that decision?  Simply amazing!

The school system (and their police) acting stupidly and not even following their own standards/regulations with regard to school safety?

Yet educators don't want to get the basics right.  They want to teach LGBTQ+ issues?  While we see students that can't even read and write graduating from school?

This country is broken.  The disease of the liberal states has hit Texas hard.

We've yielded too much in the name of acceptance.  Remember this....

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