Sunday, May 29, 2022

The school shooting. Another divisive issue. Another "divider" between city/rural & dem/rep...the perfect distraction at a moment of economic pain.


Never let a crisis go to waste.

We're seeing that live and in living color RIGHT NOW!

The President has approval ratings that are the LOWEST IN HISTORY, the economy is poised to suffer high gas prices, predicted summer blackouts, food shortages and sky high inflation.

The American people have lost faith in the "adults" that were supposed to bring stability after the Trump years but now the reality has set in.

They're prisoners of their own radical interest groups too.

One madman defeats all security measures due to the incompetence of the local govt, is able to kill due to the idiocy of the public schools police and they have a new lease on life.

Focus on guns, not the criminal...bring in foreigners from overseas to comment on an American issue....gin up opinion and distract the masses.

They succeeded.

But only for awhile.  MSNBC can hyperfocus on this issue but just like Ukraine the American people will tire and will look again at their emptying bank accounts.

The American people will wonder what is going on that so much is given to so many across the waters instead of taking care of issues at home.

The elite along with the news media will try to portray it as a solemn duty...while at the same time we're getting bombarded with calls to do more in lands that aren't our own, to help people that ridicule us and try and tell us what to do in our own nation...and finally the American people will snap.

Not thru violence.  But thru this falls elections.

I personally can't wait.

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