Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The US Military's Slow Slide Toward Confrontation with Russia over Ukraine

 via Military.com

But over the last two months, as Ukraine has made a stand and fought back against the invasion, the aid has ballooned to billions of dollars' worth of helicopters, armored vehicles, newly developed drones and artillery.

Reports this week that U.S. intelligence had helped Ukraine sink a Russian warship and kill Russian generals on the battlefield were the latest signs of what appears to be the Pentagon's slow, steady march to deeper involvement in the European war.


I see two things going on. One of them is an increased willingness to talk about what we're doing," Cancian said. "If you're an administration being criticized for not doing enough, the inclination is to say more about what you are doing.

"But there's no question we're doing more over time," he said.


"All the equipment that we're giving to the Ukrainians is just too extensive to be absorbed in the short amount of time that we're giving them," Cancian said. "I think we're just asking too much, frankly, and I think what's going to happen is that, when that becomes apparent, we'll start using contractors in some way."


Ya know it isn't quite the same but its very similar.  Steps just like these are how we ended up tip-toeing into Vietnam.

Don't believe me?  Read the history.  I've read both the Official Army & Marine Corps history of the war and you'll see striking similarities.

Am I saying that's where this is going?


I am saying that the trajectory is VERY VERY similar. The longer this goes on the more likely it becomes.  

Someone needs to turn this off or it will spiral. It's already bigger than anyone in the West or Russia thought it would be.

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