Monday, May 02, 2022

Want to read the weakest, most poorly written piece of hot garbage in defense of Force Design 2030?


Repeat after me: “Force Design 2030” is not mainly about the South China Sea, no matter what General David Berger’s detractors say. That claim constitutes part of the pushback from retired marines against the Marine Corps commandant’s effort to reinvent the corps as an island-warfare force. The latest to advance it was retired colonel Gary Anderson, a former chief of staff of the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory, over at last week.


This is the weakest piece of writing I've read in a long time.  That's comes from a guy that is an EXTREMELY weak writer!

His effort was to push back against the claims being made against Force Design 2030.

He fails.  BADLY.

There has only been ONE well written piece that is balanced and lays out the case for and against FD2030. Read it here. 

I don't know this clown.  Never even heard of him, but if he can sport Dr in front of his name with that hot garbage then I need to be running a think tank.

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