Saturday, June 04, 2022

‘Emergency Action Documents’ Show How the White House Plans for Apocalypse

 via Vice

A 2016 House Committee Appropriations Hearing gives us an explanation of what PEADs are and what, exactly, they do. 

“PEADs are pre-coordinated legal documents designed to implement a Presidential decision or transmit a Presidential request when an emergency disrupts normal governmental or legislative processes,” it said. “A PEAD may take the form of a Proclamation, Executive Order, or a Message to Congress.”

Interesting.  I've wondered about "Executive Orders", "Executive Actions" and the seemingly unused "Proclamation".  Seems to me that it gives the "elected" President almost dictatorial power that is NOT in keeping with our constitution.

 One 1959 version of the plan assumes that the Soviet Union has attacked America with nuclear weapons. They even had estimates about how many people might survive. “In spite of the magnitude of the catastrophe and the possibility of additional but lighter attacks, about 120,000,000 uninjured people and substantial material resources remain,” the plan theorized. “Consequently, there is ultimate recuperative potential to meet the requirements of the surviving population.”


This last part has me intrigued.  I wonder if the assessment has changed but I've always believed that MANY parts of the US would remain intact after a nuclear attack.

I'm thinking more like a "FALLOUT" game type world rather than complete destruction.

It's a short article and just gives a surface view but it gets the ball rolling.

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