Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Greyman Tactical Vehicle Loadout Kits...

I'm not into telling other how to run their gear. But if you get callouts (and haven't been given a take home), run a truck gun (cause things are popping off in the community), or just have a long haul to your place of employment everyday and don't want to get stuck out and over run then consider this setup. Make no mistake. You better be running limosine dark window tint (in my state its a simple matter to get the sticker...just present your credentials to the state police, dr's notice, or other valid reason) so you won't have pests getting into your vehicle (you should be parking in areas where that is less likely chasing pussy in places you wouldn't be caught in during daylight!) and rock it. Even if you're not running a carbine, patrol rifle or truck gun the setup is great for storing extra mags for your sidearm, medical gear and basic tools that would add unnecessary weight to your first line (duty belt in this case). Oh and they're Louisiana boys so I'm kinda partial.


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